How to ace a job interview

Two people shaking hands after candidate has aced their job interview
June 9, 2022

A job interview is your opportunity to make a good impression on the employer and secure a job, but it can be nerve-wracking to know you're being evaluated from the minute you arrive. The more prepared you are, the less likely anxiety will get in your way. In addition to practicing responses to common interview questions, there are other things you should do before your interview so that everything goes smoothly and you feel confident when you arrive.

Practice your responses to the most common interview questions.

Practice your responses to the most common interview questions. You can find lists of the most frequently asked interview questions online, but some of the most popular ones include:

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Why do you want to work for this company?
  • What are your strengths? Weaknesses?
  • How would your coworkers describe you?
  • Where do you see yourself in five years?

Conduct research about the organization and its industry.

Researching the company and its industry is a great way to start preparing for your interview. You can learn more about their mission and values, their competitors, their financial situation, their business model and hiring needs by reading recent press releases or articles about them. This will help you understand what's important to them as well as how they operate differently from other companies in the same field.

Another way to conduct research on an organization is by using social media tools like LinkedIn or Glassdoor—you can search through public profiles of past employees or read reviews written by other people who have worked there in order to get an idea of what it might be like working at this particular firm.

Write down a list of questions you have for the employer.

Write down a list of questions you have for the employer. This is an opportunity to show off your research and preparation skills, so make sure they’re relevant to both your qualifications and the company. If you feel like there are any gaps in your knowledge, now is the time to fill them. Ask about benefits, job responsibilities, office culture and anything else that might help inform your decision about whether or not this role is right for you. You should also be prepared with questions about salary expectations and other perks (like holiday time).

Think of examples you can use during your interview that illustrate how your skills and work experience make you a good candidate for the job.

Most job interview questions will revolve around skills and experience, so be prepared to talk about how your skills and previous work experience make you a good candidate for the job. Think back on any past jobs or internships that have taught you new skills, whether it was a class project or something you worked on outside of class. If possible, try to include examples from both academic and professional experiences. You might also want to ask family members or friends if they have any stories about your work ethic that could come in handy during an interview!

Review your CV before your interview so you remember specific things you might want to mention during your discussion with the employer.

Before your interview, review your CV. You may have spent days perfecting it, but don’t rely on memory alone to remember every detail. Some employers may cherry pick certain points of information off your CV and ask you about your experience in these areas - so make sure you’ve been honest and can recount your experiences perfectly!

Dress professionally for your interview, even if you know the organization has a casual dress code.

As you prepare for your interview, remember that how you dress is also a reflection of how seriously you take the position. Even if the company has a relaxed dress code, it's still important to wear clothes that reflect professionalism.

Dressing professionally doesn't mean wearing a suit or formal wear. You can be comfortable and confident in what you're wearing, but still look put together — remember, first impressions count.

Practice interviewing with someone else so you can get feedback on your answers, posture and other nonverbal communication, and overall demeanor.

Practicing your interview answers with someone else is one of the most effective ways to improve your performance. Before you go into a real interview, rehearse with a friend or family member so they can give you honest feedback on what you're doing right and wrong. They may also point out a few tips where you can improve what you say and help you ensure you’re coming off as your true self!

Leave home early enough to arrive at least 10 minutes before your interview is scheduled.

You want to arrive at the interview location at least 10 minutes before your scheduled time.

  • You'll have time to relax and get comfortable.
  • You can familiarize yourself with the location, which will help calm your nerves and make you feel more confident.
  • Plus, if you're early enough, you can walk around a little bit and get a sense of what kind of office it is—which could be important later on in the interview process!
  • Finally, arriving early gives you an opportunity to pick up any materials that have been provided for the meeting (i.e., a map or directions) or ask any questions that might come up later on in discussion.

Congratulations for getting to the interview stage! The tips in this article will help you do your best and land that job. Remember that interviews can be stressful, but all you need to do is relax and show up prepared. With these strategies, you’re sure to impress your interviewer and get the job!

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